Personal Support

We are sorry that you were unable to find a solution to your issue on our support pages. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. While you may have explored our resources, we encourage you to revisit our support pages once again. Perhaps a fresh perspective or a different keyword search may yield the solution you are looking for.

We understand that sometimes direct contact is necessary. That is why we offer several communication channels to better serve you. Depending on the nature of your issue, you can contact the following departments:

To ensure efficient service, we kindly ask that you observe the following service hours and response times:

Service Hours: Our service hours are Monday through Friday, from 11:00 to 23:00 (BrasĂ­lia time), except for user support, which is 24/7.

Response Time: Our maximum response time is 72 business hours for general contacts and user support, 24 business hours for legal issues and 72 business hours for marketing issues.

We appreciate your understanding and patience. We are committed to providing the best possible support and resolving your issue as quickly as possible. To contact the appropriate department, please use the following channels.


We are here to help!